greach logo
ratpack logo

1. Code sample and notes

The code for this presentation is available at

These notes are also available in PDF format.

2. Goal

3. Tools

  • Ratpack (Web server)

  • Gradle (Build tool)

4. What is Ratpack?

Ratpack is a set of developer friendly, reactive, asynchronous, non-blocking Java 8 libraries that facilitate rapid web application development.

  • Lightweight

    • No SDK binaries download

    • No intermediary code generation

  • Doesn’t implement Servlet Specification.

    • Uses Netty for underlying network programming

    • No Servlets

    • No Servlet Container

  • Not "Fullstack" not MVC; Functionality is provided via "modules"

    • Core (HTTP/Execution)

    • Sessions/Auth Pac4j

    • Database (HikariCP)

    • RxJava/Hystrix

    • Templating (Groovy’s MarkupTemplateEngine, Handlebars, Thymeleaf

    • Dependency Injection (Guice/Spring Boot)

  • First class testing support

    • Test framework agnostic fixtures that let you test around every feature of Ratpack

5. Hola mundo

Getting started in Ratpack is a non-event. You may be accustomed to jumping through hoops to get a new web project started. To demonstrate Ratpack’s low effort project initialization, consider the following Groovy script.

@Grab('io.ratpack:ratpack-groovy:1.4.5') (1)

import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack

ratpack { (2)
  handlers { (3)
    get { (4)
      render 'Hola mundo' (5)
1 Use @Grab to pull ratpack-groovy artifact
2 Invoke ratpack method to define server
3 Use handlers to declare the Chain of our application
4 Define a Handler bound to HTTP GET /
5 Render 'Hola mundo' to the client

That’s really all that’s required to get started!

We’re now ready to start our application. We’ll invoke the run task then navigate to localhost:5050

$ groovy example-01-groovy-script/src/main/groovy/ratpack.groovy

$ curl -s localhost:5050
Hola mundo

5.1. Live reload

When prototyping Ratpack apps in a Groovy script, you can change the script while the application and see your changes reflected in real time! There’s no need to re-run the Groovy script.

$ groovy example-01-groovy-script/src/main/groovy/ratpack.groovy

$ curl -s localhost:5050
Hola mundo

# modify ratpack.groovy to
# @Grab('io.ratpack:ratpack-groovy:1.4.5')
# import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
# ratpack {
#   handlers {
#     get {
#       render 'Hola Greach!'
#     }
#   }
# }

$ curl localhost:5050
Hola Greach!

6. Handlers

Handlers are where request processing logic is provided. A Handler is a functional interface defined as void handle(Context context) and can be easily expressed as a Groovy Closure. The context is a registry that provides access to a map-like data-structure that can be populated and queried. Request and response objects are accessible via the Handler.

6.1. Request Response Interaction

As an implementation detail of the TodoBackend application, we need to set CORS headers on each response.

Setting headers on the response


import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.http.MutableHeaders

ratpack {
  handlers {
    get {
      MutableHeaders headers = response.headers (1)
      headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') (2)
      headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept') (2)
      render 'Hola Greach 2017!'
1 Access the response’s headers from the Context
2 Add some headers for implementing CORS functionality
ratpack Demo
$ groovy example-02-handlers/src/main/groovy/ratpack.groovy (1)

$ curl -v localhost:5050
* Rebuilt URL to: localhost:5050/
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (2)
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept (2)
< content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
< content-length: 20
< connection: keep-alive
Hola Greach 2017!
1 Invoke our Ratpack Groovy script
2 Issue curl and inspect response headers to verify that our CORS headers are added

6.2. Organization

Because our REST implementation requires that CORS is enabled, the Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers need to be set on every response. However, setting these headers in each Handler is tedious and error prone. Luckily Handler s are designed to be composable units of request processing. Handlers are composed in a logical manner via the Chain. Handlers can either send a response or delegate further request processing to the next Handler in the Chain. Handlers signal delegation via Context#next.

We’ll start our refactoring by extracting the CORS setting logic to its own handler.


import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.http.MutableHeaders

ratpack {
  handlers {
    all { (1)
      MutableHeaders headers = response.headers
      headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
      headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept')
      next() (2)
    get {
      render 'Hola Greach 2017!'
1 Declare a new handler to handle all incoming requests regardless of method or path
2 Delegate processing to the next Handler in the chain

We can curl the application to make sure that the headers are indeed being set for each request.

ratpack2 Demo
$ groovy example-02-handlers/src/main/groovy/ratpack2.groovy (1)

$ curl -v localhost:5050/
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (2)
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept (2)
< content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
< content-length: 20
< connection: keep-alive
Hola Greach 2017!

$ curl -v localhost:5050/no-such-path
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> GET /no-such-path HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (3)
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept (3)
< content-type: text/plain
< content-length: 16
< connection: keep-alive
Client error 404

$ curl -X POST -v localhost:5050/
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> POST / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (4)
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept (4)
< content-type: text/plain
< content-length: 16
< connection: keep-alive
Client error 405
1 Run ratpack2.groovy script
2 Verify that CORS headers were added to GET / endpoint
3 Verify that CORS headers were added to undefined GET /no-such-path endpoint
4 Verify that CORS headers were added to unsupported POST / endpoint

6.3. Standalone Handlers

As you can imagine, the number of handlers in your chain can quickly grow. Ratpack provides ways to evolve your code base as your handlers and chains grow.

The idea is to migrate handling logic to discrete classes or groups of classes in order to keep your codebase readable and maintainable.


import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.http.MutableHeaders

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler

class CORSHandler extends GroovyHandler { (1)
  protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
    MutableHeaders headers = context.response.headers
    headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept')

ratpack {
  handlers {
    all(new CORSHandler()) (2)
    get {
      render 'Hola Greach 2017!'
1 Extract our CORS handling logic to its own class
2 Add the newly migrated CORSHandler to our Chain

7. Migrating to Gradle

As your prototype starts to evolve into a more serious application, you will want to start using a serious build tool like Gradle. We’ll start by creating our build.gradle file.

plugins { (1)
  id 'io.ratpack.ratpack-groovy' version '1.4.5' (2)

repositories {
  jcenter() (3)
1 Make use of the incubating plugins DSL feature
2 Tell Gradle to use the Ratpack Groovy Gradle plugin
3 Tell Gradle to look for artifacts in Bintray JCenter

We’ll also move our ratpack.groovy file to $projectDir/src/ratpack/ratpack.groovy and put CORSHandler.groovy in the typical $projectDir/src/main/groovy location for regular Groovy classes. The $projectDir/src/ratpack directory is a convention used by Ratpack as a common directory for holding configuration files, templates, static assets and your main Ratpack application script.

Once everything is in its place you should see a directory structure similar to this:

Directory structure after migrating to Gradle
│   example-03-gradle.gradle
    │   └───groovy
    │           CORSHandler.groovy

7.1. Why not Maven?

Because Ratpack is simply a set of Java libraries, all that is required to build Ratpack applications are the Ratpack jar files and javac. You are free to use any build tool: Ant + Ivy, Maven, Gradle, etc.

Ratpack has first-class Gradle support provided via Ratpack’s Gradle plugin. It allows for easy dependency management (keeps versions of modules in sync) and hooks into Gradle’s continuous functionality.

Can you create a Maven pom.xml file from memory? I certainly cannot. I can create a build.gradle file from memory though.

plugins { (1)
  id 'io.ratpack.ratpack-groovy' version '1.4.5' (2)

repositories {
  jcenter() (3)
1 Make use of Gradle’s incubating Plugins DSL (since Gradle 2.1)
2 Declare and apply Ratpack’s Gradle plugin for Groovy, provides ratpack-core module
3 Tell Gradle to pull dependencies from Bintray JCenter

Gradle has a number of out of the box features that make it superior to Maven however the one I will highlight here is the Gradle Wrapper.

The Gradle Wrapper is a set of files that enables developer on a project to use the same exact version of Gradle. This is a best practice when it comes to working with Gradle. Because Gradle is such a well maintained build tool, there are many updates. The Gradle Wrapper goes a long way towards preventing "works on my machine" syndrome. Wrapper scripts are available in bash and bat formats. Because the scripts are typically a part of the project, you don’t need to install Gradle to use it, just use the gradlew scripts. At some point however, someone somewhere needs to install gradle. I recommend installing to manage Gradle installations. To generate the wrapper, invoke gradle wrapper from the command line.

When generating scripts from Windows, make sure to chmod +x gradlew so that your *nix/Mac co-workers and CI server can execute the wrapper script.

7.2. Launching via Gradle

Launching our Ratpack application is straightforward thanks to the Ratpack Gradle plugin.

Simply execute the :run task to launch your Ratpack application:

$ ./gradlew :example-03-gradle:run

$ curl -s localhost:5050
Hola mundo

7.3. Continuous Mode

If you add -t or --continuous to the task execution, Gradle’s continuous mode will be invoked. Gradle’s continuous mode monitors source code and reruns the specified task.

Continuous mode cannot currently respond to changes in Gradle build scripts, only in source code or resources.
$ ./gradlew :example-03-gradle:run -t

$ curl -s localhost:5050 | cat
Hola mundo!

# modify ratpack.groovy

Change detected, executing build...

:example-03-gradle:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:example-03-gradle:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
Ratpack started (development) for http://localhost:5050


Total time: 0.374 secs

$ curl -s localhost:5050
Hola Greach 2017!

8. Database

In order to provide persistence to our REST application we’ll make use of a number of libraries. We’ll be using an in-memory h2 database as our main datasource, HikariCP — a very fast JDBC connection pool library, and jOOQ as our primary means of querying the datasource.

The Gradle build file should look something like this:

8.1. Updating Build Script

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.186'   (1)
    classpath 'org.jooq:jooq-codegen:3.8.1' (2)

plugins {
  id 'io.ratpack.ratpack-groovy' version '1.4.5'

repositories {

dependencies {
  compile ratpack.dependency('hikari') (3)
  compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.186' (4)
  compile 'org.jooq:jooq:3.8.1' (5)
1 Add h2 as dependency to buildscript
2 Add jooq-codegen as dependency to buildscript
3 Add compile time dependency on ratpack-hikari
4 Add compile time dependency on h2
5 Add compile time dependency on jooq

We needed to introduce a buildscript closure to the build script in order to provide these libraries during task execution. The reason we couldn’t use the plugins DSL is because these h2 and jOOQ libraries are not published as Gradle plugins in the Gradle plugin portal. We’ll add a task to our Gradle build script that enables us to generate the classes that reflect our schema.

If you notice (3) uses a distinct method to include the ratpack-hikari module. The ratpack.dependency method is provided from the Ratpack Gradle plugin and it allows you to specify the module name in place of the full Group Artifact Version coordinates. ratpack.dependency('hikari') in this context is equivalent to ’io.ratpack:ratpack-hikari:1.4.5'.

8.2. Defining the Schema

Our domain consists of a single entity, the Todo. We will add this initial sql script to our project’s resources directory.

  `id` bigint auto_increment primary key,
  `title` varchar(256),
  `completed` bool default false,
  `order` int default null

8.3. Generating jOOQ classes

We’ll make use of a fluent Java API provided by the jooq-codegen library, made available previously in the buildscript closure. We’ll use this API and h2 to tell jOOQ how to connect to our datasource, which schemata/tables to include and where to place the generated files.

task jooqCodegen {
  doLast {
    String init = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/init.sql".replaceAll('\\\\', '/') (1)
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration()
      .withJdbc(new Jdbc()
      .withDriver("org.h2.Driver") (2)
      .withUrl("jdbc:h2:mem:todo;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM '$init'") (3)
      .withGenerator(new Generator()
        .withDatabase(new Database()
      .withTarget(new Target()
        .withDirectory("$projectDir/src/main/groovy") (4)
        .withPackageName("jooq"))) (5)
1 Grab our init script from the project, clean up path separator if on Windows
2 Configure jOOQ code generation to use h2 Driver
3 Configure h2 URL to run the init script
4 Specify the target directory
5 Specify name of parent package to contain generated classes relative to target directory

Once this task is added, run it from the command line:

$ ./gradlew :example-04-database:jooqCodegen


Total time: 0.985 secs

You should see the generated files in your project now:

│   example-04-database.gradle
    │   ├───groovy
    │   │   │   CORSHandler.groovy
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───jooq
    │   │       │
    │   │       │
    │   │       │
    │   │       │
    │   │       │
    │   │       │
    │   │       └───tables
    │   │           │ (1)
    │   │           │
    │   │           └───records
    │   │         
    │   │
    │   └───resources
    │           init.sql (2)
1 Todo represents our table from our init.sql
2 Our TODO schema definition

8.4. Integration

Integrating the new datasource into our REST application is fairly straightforward. We need to register the H2 datasource and the Ratpack HikariCP module with Ratpack’s registry.

import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.hikari.HikariModule

ratpack {
  bindings { (1)
    module(HikariModule) { config -> (2)
      config.dataSourceClassName = 'org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource' (3)
      config.addDataSourceProperty('URL', "jdbc:h2:mem:tood;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/init.sql'") (3)
  handlers {
    all(new CORSHandler())
    get {
      render 'Hola mundo!'
1 Make use of bindings method to provide objects to be registered into the Registry
2 Add the HikariModule provided by ratpack.dependency('hikari')
3 Configure the HikariModule with our H2 connection information

Next we’ll add a handler to perform some SQL query and send the result to the client.

get('blocking') {
  DataSource ds = get(DataSource) (1)
  DSLContext dsl = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.H2) (2)
  def todos = (3)
  render(Jackson.json(todos)) (4)
1 Retrieve the DataSource registered from HikariModule from the Context
2 Create a DSLContext jOOQ object for querying the datasource
3 Issue a SELECT * FROM TODO; and marshal to List of Maps
4 Return results as JSON to the user

We are now set to query from a datasource and send results as JSON to the client.

Do not deploy this code! Our implementation is very naive and will cause very poor performance in production. We’ll continue in the next section in how to improve our implementation.

9. Asynchronous Programming

At this point we should remember that Ratpack is a non-blocking and asynchronous framework. This has implications in how you code your Handler logic. If you are performing any kind of blocking I/O or any kind of computationally expensive operation, you’ll need to tap into Ratpack’s Blocking executor in order to let the main request processing thread continue processing requests. If you fail to use the Blocking executor you will start to observe performance degradation.

9.1. Blocking.get()

In the previous example we were making a blocking JDBC call, preventing the request processing thread of execution from tending to any other incoming requests. Ratpack provides a mechanism that allows you to create promises that will be executed on a separate thread pool. We will use this Blocking mechanism to represent a bit of work that should not be performed on the request taking thread. Promises are l-a-z-y. Promises in Ratpack are not executed unless they are subscribed via Promise#then. Promises will always be resolved in the order in which they were declared. Ratpack promise execution is deterministic. There is a detailed set of blog articles by @ldaley, the project lead of Ratpack that explains this.

Let’s rewrite the previous example using the Blocking mechanism.

get('blocking') {
  DataSource ds = get(DataSource)
  DSLContext dsl = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.H2)
  def select =
  Promise promise = Blocking.get { (1)
  promise.then { todos -> (2)
1 Use Blocking.get to wrap the blocking JDBC call
2 Resolve the promise and render the JSON serialized representation to the user

It should be noted that the strongly typed queries can be separated from their actual execution in jOOQ. If the methods contain names like fetch*, refresh, execute, store, etc these are most likely the actual blocking JDBC call.

9.2. Code cleanup

At this point we’ll take the time to create a dedicated class that handles CRUD operations for the TODO table.

First we’ll create a TodoModel that represents our TODO domain model.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic

class TodoModel {
  final Long id
  final String title
  final boolean completed
  final Integer order
  private final String baseUrl

  TodoModel(@JsonProperty("id") Long id,
              @JsonProperty("title") String title,
              @JsonProperty("completed") boolean completed,
              @JsonProperty("order") Integer order) {
    this(id, title, completed, order, null)

  TodoModel(Long id, String title, boolean completed, Integer order, String baseUrl) { = id
    this.title = title
    this.completed = completed
    this.order = order
    this.baseUrl = baseUrl

  TodoModel baseUrl(String baseUrl) {
    return new TodoModel(id, title, completed, order, baseUrl)

  String getUrl() {
    return "$baseUrl/$id"


Next we’ll create a TodoRepository for performing CRUD operations on this TodoModel

Let’s start by migrating the SELECT * FROM TODO from the previous Handler

private final DSLContext create;

TodoRepository(DataSource ds) {
  this.create = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.H2)

Promise<List<TodoModel>> getAll() {
  SelectJoinStep all =
  return Blocking.get { all.fetchInto(TodoModel.class) }

We will now create a TodoModule that will provide this TodoRepository to the Ratpack registry.

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic

import javax.inject.Singleton
import javax.sql.DataSource

class TodoModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {}

  TodoRepository todoRepository(DataSource ds) {
    return new TodoRepository(ds) (1)
1 We’re defining the TodoRepository as a singleton

Next we’ll register this TodoModule with Ratpack


Finally we’ll update the Handler to make use of the TodoRepository

get('blocking') {
  TodoRepository repository = get(TodoRepository.class) (1)
  Promise<List<TodoModel>> todos = repository.getAll() (2)
  todos.then{ t -> render(Jackson.json(t)) } (3)
For style points use method references.
get('blocking') {
  TodoRepository repository = get(TodoRepository.class) (1)
In Groovy, you can provide your Handler closure with types from the Registry and Ratpack will set them for you.
get('blocking') { TodoRepository repository -> (1)
1 Specify TodoRepository as a parameter to have Ratpack supply this registered object for you

Doesn’t that look lovely?

9.3. Putting it all together

Here is what the TodoRepository, TodoModule and App should look like at this point:

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import jooq.tables.records.TodoRecord
import org.jooq.*
import org.jooq.impl.DSL
import ratpack.exec.Blocking
import ratpack.exec.Operation
import ratpack.exec.Promise

import javax.sql.DataSource

import static jooq.tables.Todo.TODO

class TodoRepository2 {
  private final DSLContext create

  TodoRepository2(DataSource ds) {
    this.create = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.H2)

  Promise<List<TodoModel>> getAll() {
    SelectJoinStep all =
    return Blocking.get { all.fetchInto(TodoModel.class) }

  Promise<TodoModel> getById(Long id) {
    SelectConditionStep where =
    return Blocking.get { where.fetchOne().into(TodoModel.class) }

  Promise<TodoModel> add(TodoModel todo) {
    TodoRecord record = create.newRecord(TODO, todo)
    return Blocking.op(record.&store)
      .map { record.into(TodoModel.class) }

  Promise<TodoModel> update(Map<String, Object> todo) {
    TodoRecord record = create.newRecord(TODO, todo)
    return Blocking.op { create.executeUpdate(record) }
      .map { record.into(TodoModel.class) }

  Operation delete(Long id) {
    DeleteConditionStep<TodoRecord> deleteWhereId = create.deleteFrom(TODO).where(TODO.ID.equal(id))
    return Blocking.op(deleteWhereId.&execute)

  Operation deleteAll() {
    DeleteWhereStep<TodoRecord> delete = create.deleteFrom(TODO)
    return Blocking.op(delete.&execute)
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic

import javax.inject.Singleton
import javax.sql.DataSource

class TodoModule2 extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {}

  TodoRepository todoRepository(DataSource ds) {
    return new TodoRepository(ds)
import ratpack.hikari.HikariModule
import ratpack.jackson.Jackson

import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack

ratpack {
  bindings {
    module(HikariModule) { config ->
      config.dataSourceClassName = 'org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource'
      config.addDataSourceProperty('URL', "jdbc:h2:mem:tood;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/init.sql'")
  handlers {
    all(new CORSHandler())
    get('blocking') { TodoRepository repository ->

10. Working with JSON

Now that we have our datasource and TodoRepository it’s time to implement the various Handler s for interfacing with the TodoRepository.

10.1. Parsing JSON

Ratpack has a parsing framework that understands how to parse incoming JSON to Pojos. The Context#parse returns a Promise which will then provide the parsed JSON object.

post {
  Promise<TodoModel> todo = parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel)) (1)
  todo.then { t -> render t.title } (2)
1 We make use of Jackson.fromJson to specify our desired type
2 Once the promise is resolved we render the parsed title back to the user

Let’s take a look at this JSON title rendering in action.

ratpack Demo
$ ./gradlew :example-06-json:run (1)

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"New Task"}' http://localhost:5050/
New Task

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' http://localhost:5050/
Attend Greach 2017

10.2. Integrating with TodoRepository

Now that we see how easy it to parse incoming JSON, we’ll now update the Handler to persist this JSON payload.

post { TodoRepository repository -> (1)
  Promise<TodoModel> todo = parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel)) (2)
    .flatMap(repository.&add) (3)
    .map(Jackson.&json) (4)
    .then(context.&render) (5)
1 Retrieve TodoRepository from Context registry
2 Parse incoming JSON payload
3 Add parsed JSON to repository
4 Map the resulting TodoModel as a renderable JSON object
5 Render the response to the client
ratpack2 Demo
$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"New Task"}' http://localhost:5050/
{"id":1,"title":"New Task","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"}

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' http://localhost:5050/
{"id":2,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/2"}

$ curl http://localhost:5050/blocking
[{"id":1,"title":"New Task","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"},{"id":2,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/2"}]

10.3. Reading and Writing

Now that we’ve implemented the POST / endpoint for persisting Todo items, let’s put it together with GET /. You may be tempted to write your chain in this way:

get { TodoRepository repository ->
post { TodoRepository repository ->
  Promise<TodoModel> todo = parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel))

However you’ll run into some strange behavior:

ratpack3 Demo
$ curl http://localhost:5050/

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' --raw -v -s http://localhost:5050/
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> POST / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 31
* upload completely sent off: 31 out of 31 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed (1)
< content-length: 0
< connection: close
1 Method not Allowed?!?!

10.4. ByMethodSpec

The way the Chain works is to eagerly match against incoming request path and then the HTTP method. Because we declared get(Handler) before post(Handler), Ratpack will stop looking for handlers after it finds get(Handler) since we’ve matched the request path. The way to provide multiple methods for the same path is to use Chain#path and Context#byMethod.

path { TodoRepository repository ->  (1) (2)
  byMethod { (3)
    get { (4)
    post { (5)
      Promise<TodoModel> todo = parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel))
1 Use Chain#path to match on path without HTTP method
2 Retrieve TodoRepository from Context
3 Use Context#byMethod to specify which HTTP methods are considered as valid methods for this path
4 Move previous Chain#get handler to the ByMethodSpec#get block
5 Move previous Chain#post handler to the ByMethodSpec#post block

Now that we’re using Context#byMethod let’s check our results:

ratpack4 Demo
$ curl http://localhost:5050/

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' http://localhost:5050/
{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"}

$ curl http://localhost:5050/
[{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"}]

10.5. Putting it all together

We will now combine the CORSHandler with all of the endpoints for performing REST CRUD operations.

import ratpack.hikari.HikariModule
import ratpack.jackson.Jackson
import ratpack.exec.Promise

import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack

ratpack {
  bindings {
    module(HikariModule) { config ->
      config.dataSourceClassName = 'org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource'
      config.addDataSourceProperty('URL', "jdbc:h2:mem:tood;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/init.sql'")
    bindInstance(new CORSHandler()) (1)
  handlers {
    all(CORSHandler) (2)
    path { TodoRepository repository -> (3)
      byMethod {
        options {
          response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST, DELETE')
        get {
        post {
          Promise<TodoModel> todo = parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel))
        delete {
1 Add our CORSHandler back into the registry
2 Ensure that all requests to go through CORSHandler
3 Setup logic for REST CRUD operations
ratpack5 Demo
$ curl http://localhost:5050/

$ curl -X OPTIONS --raw -v -s http://localhost:5050/
* timeout on name lookup is not supported
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 5050 (#0)
> Host: localhost:5050
> User-Agent: curl/7.45.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, POST, DELETE
< content-length: 0
< connection: keep-alive

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' http://localhost:5050/
{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"}

$ curl http://localhost:5050/
[{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"null/1"}]

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5050/

$ curl http://localhost:5050/

11. Evolution

As your codebase grows, so will your chains. Ratpack has several mechanisms for composing chains that help maintain readability.

11.1. Action<Chain>

Ratpack allows you to insert Action<Chain> s to the chain, which allows for basic composition.

In the following example we will take our chain and migrate it to a class that implements Action<Chain>. We’ll also take this opportunity to leverage Ratpack’s InjectionHandler. Up until this point we have been using Ratpack’s handler type that allows declaration of registered objects as parameters in closures. Ratpack provides a type of Handler that declares your registry objects by type to facilitate registry retrieval.

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.func.Action
import ratpack.handling.ByMethodSpec
import ratpack.handling.Context
import ratpack.handling.InjectionHandler
import ratpack.http.Response
import ratpack.jackson.Jackson

class TodoBaseHandler extends InjectionHandler { (1)
  void handle(Context ctx, TodoRepository repository) throws Exception { (2)
    Response response = ctx.response
    ctx.byMethod({ ByMethodSpec method -> method
      .options {
        response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST, DELETE')
      .get {
      .post {
        Promise<TodoModel> todo = ctx.parse(Jackson.fromJson(TodoModel))
      .delete { repository.deleteAll().then(response.&send) }
    } as Action<ByMethodSpec>)
1 Extend InjectionHandler
2 Provide a void handle() method that has our types of interest, in this case we want the TodoRepository

We now create an instance of Action<Chain> that represents everything about REST CRUD interactions with Todo objects.

import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction

class TodoChain extends GroovyChainAction {
  void execute() throws Exception {

Once this is complete we can come back to the main application and update accordingly.

import ratpack.hikari.HikariModule

import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack

ratpack {
  bindings {
    module(HikariModule) { config ->
      config.dataSourceClassName = 'org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource'
      config.addDataSourceProperty('URL', "jdbc:h2:mem:tood;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM 'classpath:/init.sql'")
    bindInstance(new CORSHandler())
    bindInstance(new TodoBaseHandler()) (1)
    bindInstance(new TodoChain()) (2)
  handlers {
    insert(TodoChain) (3)
1 Register our new TodoBaseHandler
2 Register our new TodoChain
3 Insert our GroovyChainAction that we have registered

All of the previous REST CRUD functionality is preserved.

11.2. Implementing Individual Todo chain

We want to provide the ability to perform CRUD operations on an individual Todo basis. We’ll make use of the TodoChain and InjectionHandler once again to provide this REST CRUD functionality. This individual TodoHandler will handle REST CRUD functionality on a per Todo basis.

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.func.Action
import ratpack.func.Function
import ratpack.handling.ByMethodSpec
import ratpack.handling.Context
import ratpack.handling.InjectionHandler
import ratpack.http.Response
import ratpack.jackson.Jackson
import ratpack.jackson.JsonRender

class TodoHandler extends InjectionHandler {
  void handle(Context ctx, TodoRepository repo, String base) throws Exception {
    Long todoId = Long.parseLong(ctx.pathTokens.get('id'))

    Function<TodoModel, TodoModel> hostUpdater = { TodoModel todo -> todo.baseUrl(base) } as Function<TodoModel, TodoModel>
    Function<TodoModel, JsonRender> toJson = hostUpdater.andThen { todo -> Jackson.json(todo) }

    Response response = ctx.response

    ctx.byMethod({ ByMethodSpec byMethodSpec -> byMethodSpec
      .options {
        response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, PATCH, DELETE')
      .get { repo.getById(todoId).map(toJson).then(ctx.&render) }
      .patch {
          .parse(Jackson.fromJson(new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {}))
          .map({ Map<String, Object> map ->
            Map<String, Object> patch = map.keySet().inject([:]) { m, key ->
              m[key.toUpperCase()] = map[key]
              return m
            } as Map<String, Object>
            patch['ID'] = todoId
            return patch
          } as Function<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>>)
          .flatMap(repo.&update as Function<Map<String, Object>, Promise<TodoModel>>)
      .delete { repo.delete(todoId).then(response.&send) }
    } as Action<ByMethodSpec>)

After implementing the TodoHandler we’ll need to add it to the registry and to the TodoChain.

import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction

class TodoChain2 extends GroovyChainAction {
  void execute() throws Exception {
    path(':id', TodoHandler) (1)
1 Making use of PathTokens to extract dynamic id parameter from path and assigning our TodoHandler to handle this path

To finish this implementation we’ll the handler to the registry.

bindInstance(new TodoHandler()) (1)

11.3. Putting it all together

We’re adding String to the registry which represents base url of the REST api
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
import ratpack.http.MutableHeaders
import ratpack.registry.Registry

class CORSHandler extends GroovyHandler {
  protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
    MutableHeaders headers = context.response.headers
    headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
    headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'x-requested-with, origin, content-type, accept')
    String host = context.request.headers.get('HOST')
    String baseUrl = "http://$host" (1), baseUrl)) (2)
1 Create a base url
2 Add base url to the registry
ratpack2 Demo
$ curl http://localhost:5050/

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"title":"Attend Greach 2017"}' http://localhost:5050/
{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"http://localhost:5050/1"}

$ curl http://localhost:5050/
[{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"http://localhost:5050/1"}]

$ curl http://localhost:5050/1
{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":false,"order":null,"url":"http://localhost:5050/1"}

$ curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"completed": true}' http://localhost:5050/1
{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":true,"order":null,"url":"http://localhost:5050/1"}

$ curl http://localhost:5050/
[{"id":1,"title":"Attend Greach 2017","completed":true,"order":null,"url":"http://localhost:5050/1"}]

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5050/1

$ curl http://localhost:5050/

$ curl http://localhost:5050/1

12. Deploying to Heroku

Heroku is PaaS that allows you to deploy you applications quickly. It’s a great way to "get something" out there while quickly iterating. You can prototype for free and once you’re ready to "go live" you can pay for your usage.

To get started you’ll need:

12.1. Setup

In order to deploy our application to Heroku we’ll need two pieces of information:

  • A Procfile

  • A stage task when using Gradle

Let’s go over the changes we’ll need to make to the Gradle build script.

plugins {
  id 'io.ratpack.ratpack-groovy' version '1.4.5'
  id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '1.2.4' (1)

task stage(dependsOn: installShadowApp) (2)
1 I recommend using Shadow plugin for packaging your Java applications for production
2 We create a stage task that invokes installShadowApp

The second change we need to make is to add a file called Procfile. This file is a signal that communicates to Heroku what command to invoke to start our application.

web: build/installShadow/example-08-heroku/bin/example-08-heroku

12.2. Creating and deploying the application to Heroku

$ heroku apps:create todo-backend-ratpack-groovy (1)
Creating todo-backend-ratpack-groovy... done, stack is cedar-14 |

$ heroku git:remote --app todo-backend-ratpack-groovy (2)
set git remote heroku to

$ git remote -v (3)
heroku (fetch)
heroku (push)

$ git push heroku master (4)

$ heroku logs -t (5)

$ curl (6)
1 Create a new application (Heroku will assign a random name if you don’t)
2 Add heroku git repository to our remotes
3 View urls for the newly added git remote
4 Push our code to the newly minted heroku remote repository
5 Tail your application logs
6 Curl against your application in the wild!

12.3. Final Product

With our application deployed and serving traffic, let’s finish by running the TodoBackend specifications against our application.

You can navigate to the specification page to see the tests in action:

todobackend specs
Figure 1. TodoBackend Specs

You can similarly use our REST implementation against this sample Todo Frontend application.

todobackend client
Figure 2. TodoBackend Client

13. Resources

Learning Ratpack (Book)

Learning Ratpack O’Reilly 2017 by Dan Woods


Official Ratpack Community Slack

User Guide and Javadoc

Official Ratpack Website (written in Ratpack of course)


Official Ratpack Forums